The Blessings Don't Come Without Lessons
By Antoinette Bethel-Danzy

This book is a collection of poetry and sermons that the Holy Spirit has put on my heart during the different chapters of my life. When I am bothered, my heart is heavy, or I am just plain excited, I am led to write it. I pray that anyone who reads this book may be blessed from the inside out, encouraged and will be just motivated to keep the faith and to stay on the path of righteousness even when the road gets rocky. Antoinette is a prime example of how God can still use anyone no matter what you have been through or how many mistakes you have made. After almost dying on the job as a Philadelphia police officer, she knew there had to be a purpose for her survival. She took the hurt and pain from losing custody of her first born to being nearly divorced and allowed God to use her to encourage and inspire someone else. No matter what life has thrown at her, she still believes in the goodness of God, spreading love, encouraging others and doing good no matter how much wrong has been done to you.
The price is $15.00 plus $2.41 S&H for a total price of $17.41 (International Orders add $6 for S/H) ORDER NOW: Receive your copy Hot Off the press in 2-3 weeks.
You can also order your books via my Cashapp: $ABDanzyCashapp: $ABDanzy
Thanks for your support and God Bless You!
The Blessings STILL Don't Come Without Lessons
By Antoinette Bethel-Danzy

This book is the sequel to book one and is also a collection of poetry and sermons that the Holy Spirit has put on my heart during the different chapters of my life. When I am bothered, my heart is heavy, or I am just plain excited, I am led to write it. I pray that anyone who reads this book may be blessed from the inside out, encouraged and will be just motivated to keep the faith and to stay on the path of righteousness even when the road gets rocky. Antoinette is a prime example of how God can still use anyone no matter what you have been through or how many mistakes you have made. After almost dying on the job as a Philadelphia police officer, she knew there had to be a purpose for her survival. She took the hurt and pain from losing custody of her first born to being nearly divorced and allowed God to use her to encourage and inspire someone else. No matter what life has thrown at her, she still believes in the goodness of God, spreading love, encouraging others and doing good no matter how much wrong has been done to you.
The price is $17.00 plus $2.41 S&H for a total price of $19.41 (International Orders add $6 for S/H) ORDER NOW: Receive your copy Hot Off the press in 2-3 weeks.
You can also order your books via my Cashapp: $ABDanzyCashapp: $ABDanzy
Thanks for your support and God Bless You!
Take heed of the lessons so that you don't block your blessings
By Antoinette Bethel-Danzy

After having written several Christian books prior to this one, Antoinette quickly noticed a shift that began to take place in the way that she wrote while still being led by the Holy Spirit. The messages started to get more bold and uncomfortable to even put on paper. Finding herself in a position that she thought she'd never be in, she realized that the purpose of these messages were to build her up spiritually, warn her about some of the pitfalls of having a leadership position as the Lord calls her higher in Him, and how God is still making her through the breaking.
We are living in a day and time where no one is safe from enemy tactics, from the janitor to the pastor. Therefore, if we don't stay connected to the Source, we will succumb to his ways, but not on her watch. She implores anyone that is reading this book, no matter how successful they are, their title, their position or how many churches they have, to throw away their flesh and read this in the spirit while heeding the lessons because they can truly be a blessing. We are all in this daily fight just pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. It's time to build God's kingdom the right way and more effectively as we already know, our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.
The price is $17.00 plus $2.41 S&H for a total price of $19.41 (International Orders add $6 for S/H) ORDER NOW: Receive your copy Hot Off the press in 4-6 weeks.
You can also order your books via my Cashapp: $ABDanzyCashapp: $ABDanzy
Thanks for your support and God Bless You!
It's time to take back the true meaning of the rainbow as we hold on to the promises of God! By Antoinette Bethel-Danzy

We have all experienced moments where we have questioned if God's promises were true. Our circumstances have a way of either diminishing our faith or increasing it. Attempting to determine how good God is based on how smooth life is going as if His goodness is on trial. His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. We may never know why bad things happen to good people, or why good things happen for bad people but what we do know is that God is still in control. Peace is still possible through life's obstacles and God will get the glory in the end. Instead of focusing on the negative or things that we cannnot change, let us focus on the positive, God's grace and mercy, and how He has and still is covering you through it all knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Despite what it looks like, His promises are true as they always have been, and always will be, "Yes" and "Amen".
The price is $20.00 plus $3.00 S&H for a total price of $23.00 (International Orders add $6 for S/H) ORDER NOW: Receive your copy Hot Off the press in 4-6 weeks.
You can also order your books via my Cashapp: $ABDanzyCashapp: $ABDanzy
Thanks for your support and God Bless You!
by Antoinette Bethel-Danzy

The price is $67.00 plus $8.00 S&H for a total price of $75.00 (International Orders add $14 for S/H) ORDER NOW: Receive your copy Hot Off the press in 4-6 weeks.
You can also order your books via my Cashapp: $ABDanzyCashapp: $ABDanzy
Thanks for your support and God Bless You!
Copyright 2024 Antoinette Bethel-Danzy All rights reserved and any usage of materials contained herein must be through written permission from Antoinette Bethel-Danzy
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